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Holiday Help

Beach Bags

Students in need may qualify for Beach Bags...a program that provides meals and healthy snacks to disadvantaged students for the weekends. Students who participate in the program at Linkhorn take home a bag of food in their bookbags on Fridays, when bags are available. Please contact Amy Wight at 648-2932 for more information.

Holiday Food Baskets

Linkhorn has a tradition of providing holiday food baskets to families in need. We will have a canned food drive in November and are looking for the following donations:

Stuffing Mix

Canned fruits & vegetables

Cranberry sauce

Gravy packets/broth





Please send in Thanksgiving food donations in November! We will take them through November 20th! Thank you!

Angel Tree

We love helping to ensure our students in need have a happy holiday season! We will have an Angel Tree in the lobby near the main office in December. Thank you in advance to our families and staff who are willing to participate by taking a tag off the tree and bringing back a gift by December 14th. The Counseling Office will also take any donations of new clothes or toys prior to December. We will find a good home for your donations! Thank you for your support and for putting smiles on our students' faces!

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